
One of the only recovered images of Smilers.

Smilers, bearing the scientific name Subridens tenebris bestia, are an intelligent, highly malevolent, and exceedingly dangerous species of tartrean-class spectral entity, being distressingly common within regions of the Backrooms with low levels of light. Although formal research on these beings has been going on for decades on end, and documentation of them stretches back to prehistoric times with texts of, much about the nature of these entities remains a mystery to this very day.

Serving as one of the few apex predators in the twisted ecosystem of this realm, Smilers lack any natural predators due to their unique aggression and prominent anomalous capabilities, being one of the most dangerous non-individual entities recorded thus far. Many wanderers end succumbing to the malevolence of these demons, their mangled corpses being strewn across the floor as a warning to future humans within this dimension.

That being said, one thing is very well known about these beasts:

Once you see their glowing face in the darkness, the next choices you make will be very crucial to your survival.