Skin Stealers

Entity 10 — more commonly known as the Skin-Stealers — are large, humanoid entities that are commonly known to wear the skin of their victims as a disguise, which makes them rather difficult to identify. They are commonly observed to have the ability of mimicking human speech, albeit very inadequately. It is highly suggested to run away from any wanderer who seems to be repeating the same words or speaking in a monotone voice. There is a rumor that has been circling around for many years that you are able to identify a Skin-Stealer by the color of its blood. Whilst humans possess red blood, Skin-Stealers possess clear blood. Although this rumor was proven true by an unknown group, it is heavily advised to focus on other signs and not this, for any method that exposes the blood; I.E stabbing, shooting or by any explosive would likely cause any instance of this entity to charge and destroy the attacker at alarming speeds.

Being able to determine this entity was once thought of as impossible. However, with new discoveries, many ways to determine the entity have been identified. These include; bleeding out of ears, jumbled speech, slow walking, and constant tugging on skin. As mentioned earlier, it is suggested to run from any organism that shows one of these conditions.