Level 0 "The Manor"
Threat Class Index (2)
Minimal Entity Count
Description .
Level 0 the manor is the first level of Saano's Backrooms. Noclipping in normal reality has a high chance of teleporting you to Saano's Backrooms. As The Manor is the only level accessible through noclipping in normal reality. When you enter you will be kidnapped by the care taker and you will have to escape.
Many rooms can be found in the manor. Guest rooms have a bed and paintings. The Caretaker's room is a long room about 300 feet (100 meters) with many pillars and the caretaker will stalk you. The Dinner rooms are larger rooms. Dinner rooms are the safest room as they have food: fish, beef, and ham.
Enitites .
The Caretaker
Entrances and Exits .
No clipping in normal reality leads here
Going back the way you came in Level )(@*(#)$*@(#
Find The Exit