The Danger Zone

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          An Image of The Danger Zone

The Danger Zone bear great similarity to their parent level, although some key differences set them apart. The area is shrouded in a deep red hue, from the crimson wallpaper to the darkroom-like lighting. The carpet is coarse and sticky, contrasting with the slick, moist carpet of Level 0, and harboring colonies of mushrooms and black mold in dark corners.

Radio communication in the area is as unreliable as in Level 0, and the longer a subject stays within, the poorer the quality of communication will become before halting entirely. The M.E.G. has documented three instances of field agents falling victim to the The Danger Zone, none of whom were seen again after their radio communications deteriorated. This evidence suggests the rooms are extremely difficult or impossible to escape.

During these short-lived M.E.G. communications, the area has been described as viscerally uncomfortable and generally distressing to exist in. Affected individuals report feelings of disgust, despair, and paranoia, as well as feelings of claustrophobia. These strong emotions compound the stress that often comes with a sudden break from Level 0’s monotony.

These rooms are not to be approached or entered. If spotted, turn the other way and do not attempt to enter them under any circumstances.

Bases, Communities, and Outposts

No bases, communities, or outposts are known to exist within the The Danger Zone.


Entrances and Exits


The The Danger Zone may only be entered through Level 0, completely at random, after turning a corner. No method of ascertaining at what level they will appear has yet been found.


After one has entered the The Danger Zone, there is presumably no chance of exit.