Level 7 "Thalassophobia"

Level 7, known as "Thalassophobia", is known for its vast, infinite sea that stretches indefinitely. The level is covered in a moderately dense fog, as it only allows vision of no more than a few hundred meters. The water is extremely cold, measuring 20 degrees Fahrenheit (roughly -7 degrees Celsius). The depth of the ocean is unknown, as it extends far below the surface into an abyss of unknown deepness.
Surprisingly, the water on the level is perfectly clean and is considered safe to drink under the condition that one heats it up for an extended period of time. No wanderer has greatly explored Level 7 due to its treacherous conditions, and none shall ever venture far enough to sufficiently document the level's boundless ocean.
The winds on the level are rather strong, measuring about 200 miles per hour (approximately 322 kilometers per hour), and are theorized to be what drives the ocean to such reckless conditions. Strangely, the level cannot undergo any for of precipitation, but many theorize it to be due to the indeterminable level-wide source of illumination.
The gravity on Level 7 appears to be moderately low, as the waves can reach abnormally great heights, measuring almost a few miles at most. Additionally, the sea never appears to be at ease, as its waves constantly rage in a destructive manner. Consequently, the entirety of the level echoes with eternal noise due to the chaotic state of the ocean.
Upon arrival, wanderers will find themselves in a small, claustrophobic room devoid of furniture. The space is flooded by a calm layer of water approximately 5 inches (12.7 centimeters) tall. This water, however, is much warmer than the level's seas and can be drunk to refresh wanderers due to its self-cleaning properties. The room has significantly lower gravity than the main level, as bits of water can be seen floating around the room.
Opposite from the wanderer's starting position will be a corridor that extends for a few meters before ending in a regular door. Once one opens the gate between safety and the unknown, they will be greeted with the ocean's mania.
Entrances and Exits .
Lights in Level 6 lead Here
Caves Under the Ocean lead to level 8