Level 6 "Lights Out"
Threat Index: Class Pending
⠀Safety Undetermined
⠀Presence of Entities Undetermined
Description .
Level 6 is an expansive complex of indeterminate size, consisting of metallic walls, concrete floors, and complex systems of pipes. Strangely, the entirety of the level is shrouded in a complete, profound darkness, with any artificial sources of light being immediately extinguished upon entry. The absolute absence of light in Level 6 makes it nearly impossible to accurately navigate through the intricate maze of corridors and rooms.
Auditory hallucinations are frequently experienced in Level 6, ranging from rushing water to indecipherable voices ringing throughout the complex. It is believed Level 6 may be able to influence one's perception of reality, resulting in symptoms of paranoia and derealization. Despite possessing no known tangible threats, Level 6 is regarded as being one of the most dangerous levels in the Backrooms because of its sheer darkness. A significant portion of the Wanderers that enter this level permanently lose themselves or go missing.
The auditory hallucinations and paranoia experienced in Level 6 are all results of being exposed to its oppressive darkness. The mental effects are typically due to the lack of sleep from the loss of time or from isolation and a lack of mental stimulation. This also exacerbates already-existing psychological disabilities from the causes previously mentioned. After extended periods of time in Level 6, further exploration becomes difficult—both from fatigue and from constant bursts of rest, known as microsleep. While it can be argued that there is nothing on Level 6 to cause physical harm, the lack of light and loneliness have been shown to have detrimental physiological effects upon the human body.
Entrances and Exits .
Some Doors In Level 5 Lead Here
Lights in the level lead to Level 7