Level 5 "Terror Hotel"
Threat Index: Class 5
⠀Unconfirmed Entity Sightings
Description .
Level 5 is presumably an infinite, ever-expanding hotel complex complete with all the sections a luxury hotel should have, such as lounges, ballrooms, guest rooms, restaurants, hallways, gyms, swimming pools, and maintenance halls. The level does not follow Euclidean geometry, which makes many wanderers lose track of where they are, never to be found again. Some places on this level are also randomly segmented, with some doors leading to nowhere or cut-off rooms or stairs. Due to how large this level encompasses, it is also rare for wanderers to gather together. Despite this, a few obscure outposts are clinging to survival. While most of the time, the level itself seems to have been constructed in the 1930s, with furniture dating back to the 1920s and following the design of an oriental hotel, the age, aesthetic, and appearance of the level can vary greatly. Opening a door seemingly to another room would lead to a complex with a completely different aesthetic, though this occurrence is rare. Despite shifts in the level's appearance, the overall lonely, liminal, eerie feeling never fades away. Wanderers would feel overwhelming anxiety and paranoia when on the level. This level is infamous for its mysterious whispering and unseen presence. People report something whispering incoherently behind them, tapping their shoulder when they're alone, shadows/silhouettes passing behind colored windows, sudden feelings of being stalked and objects falling, moving, or disappearing when not observed. It is unknown whether these reports increase the anxiety level or are hallucinations due to increased anxiety, but wanderers are more volatile and nervous at said level. That, along with the stares of the face-like wallpaper and the common 1920s-era machinery can cause a loss of sanity, which is why one will need almond water to survive at this level. Luckily, these provisions are in the dining areas of Level 5.

Entities .
- Skin Stealer
- Hound
- Deathmoth
- Duller
Entrances and Exits .
Finding Certain Doors in Level 4 lead one here
Doors That Show Complete Darkness Lead to Level 6