Level 4 "Abandoned Office"
Threat Index: Class Habitable
⠀Devoid of Entities

Description .
Level 4, also known as the “Abandoned Office”, is an expansive, empty structure, with architecture resembling a modern office building. Most areas of the level are entirely devoid of furniture and other accessories one would typically expect to find in an office, although darkened indents strewn about its carpeting appear to indicate that furniture may have been present at one point in time. Due to the lack of inherent dangers, environmental or otherwise, Level 4 is widely regarded as a safe location amongst wanderer groups. Due to this, the creation of colonies and outposts is highly recommended, and many sustained communities have begun and flourished in the level. Strangely, although the multiple stairwells throughout the level suggest the existence of multiple floors, using them to ascend or descend floors has been reported to simply lead back to the same, singular floor. Though exploration of Level 4 is limited in this aspect, horizontal travel through the level allows one far more access to its various areas, such as workrooms, hallways, and smaller offices. While the larger areas of the level are primarily devoid of furniture, its inset workrooms typically contain office chairs and desks containing various items. It has been noted that the weather in the inaccessible exterior of Level 4 follows constant, gradual patterns. Its "seasons", as they are referred to by many, present similar characteristics to those in the Frontrooms . "Spring" refers to the level's rainiest period of weather. During this season, the level's internal temperature typically ranges between 12°C to 18°C (54° to 64°F). This season is followed by a more intense range of temperatures, referred to as "summer", where the level oscillates between lows of 22°C to 24°C (71° to 75°F) and highs of 40°C to 42°C (104° to 107°F). Next, the "fall" season is among the most favorable of Level 4's weather periods. Rain and thunderstorms are still frequent, but not as long-lasting as in spring, nor as intense as in summer. Finally, rather than the storms present in other seasons, the precipitation during the "winter" period freezes into snowflakes. Blizzards are a common event, and the level's internal temperature can drastically drop to a negative degree, varying from 0°C to -10°C (32° to 14°F), during this season.
Entities .
- No Entites Reside Here
Entrances and Exits .
Doors in Level 3 Labeled Office Lead Here
Fancy Doors With Music Coming From them Lead to Level 5