Level 2 "Pipe Dreams

Threat Index: Class 2



⠀Low Entity Count



Description                                                                                                                 .

Level 2 is a vast network of interconnected utility tunnels, maintenance shafts, and rusting pipes. Unlike the typically inconstant level environments of the Backrooms, space in Level 2 does not physically shift live, lending much of the level a relative ease to navigate through. The level’s architecture, which can differ from one place to another, remains largely uniform without alteration in its diversity and appearance for each given area. Its layout, however, reportedly becomes more complex the farther one travels from their entrance point, with corridors going up and down that may impede travel or cause injury, especially in dark areas. Fortunately, however, there have been no reports of entities lurking around these areas, most likely due to the heat and extreme humidity.

Entites                                                                                                                         .

  • Smilers
  • Jerry

Entrances and Exits                                                                                                 .


Level 2 is the final level one could access by noclipping in normal reality

Finding the Exit in level 1

Maintenance halls lead here


Finding a door labeled "Electrical"