Level 2 "Abandoned Warehouse"

Threat Class Index (3)



Moderate Entity Amount



Description                                                                                                                 .

An image of the infinite hallway.

           Level 2 is a class 3 level. Just like level 1 it's geometry constantly shifts. It is possible to close your eyes, open them, and be in a completely different set of rooms.  Due to the lack of almond water and other needed materials it is advised not to stay to far from where you spawned. The farther you go into the level the more it warps out of place and becomes more dangerous. 


         When you start in the level you will be in a seemingly infinite hallway. Take on step forward and the hallway will end right where you stand. This level likes to mess with you and drive you insane. Loss of sanity in the level is fatal. Instead when faced with this wall turn around and find a door to exit this hallway. You will then spawn in a maze. It is advised never to go through the shelves of boxes as the boxes are entities.

Enitites                                                                                                                        .


Warehouse Guards

Entrances and Exits                                                                                                 .


Finding the exit in a play structure in level 1 leads here


Completing the maze leads to level 3




Level 1 <<< Level 2 >>> Level 3