Death Moths

Entity 4, also known as the Deathmoths, are entities that inhabit the great majority of The Backrooms' levels, resembling Frontrooms moths.

Deathmoths are truly colossal creatures, boasting a wingspan that measures approximately 1.5 meters. The configuration of their wings is highly irregular, presenting a jagged appearance along the edges. The surface of these wings is enveloped by a thick layer of gray hair, which is not only coarse but also exceptionally hard.

The head of Deathmoths is comparatively diminutive and stands in stark disproportion to its substantial body. Positioned at the extremity of the head are a pair of protruding compound eyes, each composed of thousands of minute eye surfaces that exhibit a profound black coloration. Situated between the compound eyes is a sharp and slender mouthpart, resembling a syringe in shape, and possesses the capability to effortlessly puncture the skin of its prey.